
Monday, 22 June 2020

SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking

SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking

SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking is a free service from State bank of India. You can get your account balance, mini statement, block your ATM card, information on car/home loan and more just by giving a Missed Call or sending an SMS with specific keywords to a particular mobile number (pre-defined) from your registered mobile. Please make sure that your mobile number is already registered with your SBI account to be able to avail this service.

You can download the SBI Quick app from the respective App stores of Android, Windows, iOS or Blackberry phone. Once the app is installed, internet connection is not required to use this app, as these services are enabled over missed call or SMS. Please make a note that the mobile app is not mandatory for using this service. This service can only be activated for the mobile that is registered for a particular account with the Bank.

How to Register for SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking

Registration for this service is a onetime process. You have to send an SMS, “REG<space>Account Number” to 09223488888. For example, REG 12345678901 from the registered mobile number for that particular account. You will receive a confirmation message that will indicate the registration is successful or unsuccessful.

Once your registration is successful, you can start using the SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking services.
SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking

If your registration is unsuccessful:
1. Check the SMS format and destination number properly.
2. Make sure that you are using the registered mobile number for that particular account with the bank for sending the SMS. If not then you have to visit your branch and update the same for using the these services.

Balance Enquiry

You can get the last clear balance of your account using this faculty.
You may give a missed call or send an SMS “BAL” to 09223766666

Mini Statement

You can get the Mini Statement of your account using this service.
You may give a missed call or send an SMS “MSTMT” to 09223866666

E-Statement – Last 6 months

You can get e-statement for last 6 months of your SBI Savings Bank account. The e-statement for the last 6 months will be sent on your registered email Id with password encrypted PDF file.
Send an SMS in the below format

“ESTMT<space><Account Number><space><code” to 09223588888
(Please note: Code is any 4 digit number of your choice which will be used to encrypt the PDF file sent to your registered email Id)

Blocking of ATM Card

You can block your ATM card linked to the registered account in case of loss or theft. To block your ATM card, just send an SMS from your registered mobile in the below format
“BLOCK<space>XXXX” to 567676
(Here XXXX represents last 4 digits of your ATM card number).

You will get a confirmatory SMS on acceptance of the request for blocking. The SMS also contains the ticket number, date and time of blocking.

Please note that ATM Card can also be blocked through the following means:
1. By calling the State Bank Contact Centre.
2. By visiting any nearest State Bank Branch.
3. By logging on to OnlineSBI (only for personal segment customers).

Home and Car Loans

You can get the latest features of the Home loan and Car loan products using this facility. Just send an SMS in the below format
“HOME” or “CAR” to 09223588888
You will receive an instant SMS advising the features of the service.

Full List of Services

You can get a full list of services that can be availed using this service. Just send an SMS in the below format
“HELP” to 09223588888.

How to De-Register from SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking

You can de-register from this service through the following process. Just send an SMS in the below format
“DREG” to 09223488888
You will receive a confirmation message that will indicate the de-registration is successful or unsuccessful.

If successful then you will not be able to use the services till you register again.
If unsuccessful then check the format and destination mobile number and try again.


1. For 6 digit number i.e. 567676 premium charges will be applicable.
2. For 10 digit numbers, SMS charges will be as per your mobile bill plan.
3. For Missed Call, there is no charge. If you listen to IVR of 3 seconds which will be played after 4-5 rings, then you will be charged as per your mobile bill plan for 3 seconds.

Hope the above information will help you to use SBI Quick – Missed Call Banking for your SBI account. This service is available for SB/CA/OD/CC accounts.

Also read: How to start aSIP?

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